Easy Law’s Standard vs. Premium Preliminary Notices

In the construction industry, serving a preliminary notice is a crucial step for securing your right to a mechanic's lien, should payment issues arise. With Easy Law Construction Notices, contractors and subcontractors have the option to choose a standard (unverified) and a premium (verified) preliminary notice. Understanding the differences between these two types is important for ensuring the effectiveness of your lien rights.

Standard (Unverified) Preliminary Notices

Standard preliminary notices, often more affordable, are unverified pre-lien notices. When you opt for this service, here’s what you need to know:

Direct Input: The information you provide is used exactly as entered for the notice. Easy Law does not verify or check the accuracy of the details you submit.

Cost-Effective: They are substantially less expensive because there is no verification process involved.

Accuracy Responsibility: The onus is on you to ensure that all the information, including addresses and names, is correct.

Risks Involved: Any errors in the notice, particularly regarding addresses or party names, could have serious legal implications. An incorrect notice might jeopardize your ability to recover payment for your work.

Premium (Verified) Preliminary Notices

On the other hand, premium notices involve a verification process. Here’s why you might consider this option:

Verification Process: Easy Law checks and verifies the information you provide. This step ensures higher accuracy in the notice.

Higher Cost: The price is higher than standard notices, accounting for the additional service of verification.

Reduced Risk: By ensuring the information is correct, you significantly lower the risk of legal complications due to incorrect notices.

Peace of Mind: The verification provides an added layer of security and confidence that your notice will meet legal requirements.

Which Should You Choose?

For Confident Information: If you are certain that the information you have is accurate and complete, a standard notice might be a cost-effective choice.

For Complex Projects: In scenarios where you are not completely sure about the details, or if the project is complex with multiple parties involved, a premium notice is advisable.

Legal Implications: Remember, a preliminary notice with incorrect details can have adverse legal implications. Consult with an experienced construction law attorney if you have doubts about the legal ramifications of an inaccurate pre-lien notice.


Easy Law Construction Notices is not a law firm, and nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice regarding construction matters, you can contact The Green LawGroup, LLP, for a free initial consultation.